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7:51 p.m. - Sunday, Jan. 29, 2006
2 jobs. minus 1
Gosh, I am so bored! I'm sitting here at work, and there is really nothing to do. I can't go anywhere because I walked here, and I only have a 30 min break. I also don't have any money. I quit ranstand so now I'm only working at ACS. Yah, I had to jobs, but Ranstand was going to make my work scheduled overlap, so I quit. It kinda sucks because Ranstad payed more ($9-10 hr), but they where only having me work 25-30hrs. At ACS, they pay less (only $8), but I have TONS of overtime options. Also, I had to work from 5am-12noon at Ranstad. That was the worst. Now I have a schedule that'll never change (12:30-9), and Tom starts here tomorrow. It'll be nice to work with him again. I really like working at the same place with him. So... yah. That's basically what the deal is right now in my life. I better go, I have to get back to work!!

6:00 p.m. - Friday, Oct. 21, 2005
Fuck off Calves
Everything is going wrong today. My stupid parents fucked everything up with our money, and I cant find ANY boots to go with my halloween outfit. Wait, let me correct that. I found quite a few AWESOME pairs of boots that would go PERFECT with my outfit. What's the problem then? MY. FUCKING. CALVES. They're HUGE! I'm huge! I'm so pissed off at my life right now I just want to cry. Fuck everyone. Most of all... fuck my calves.

11:23 p.m. - Saturday, Oct. 15, 2005
Next Episode
I just realized that my last 2 entries started out with a drawn out word. Example: Duuuuuuude. It's funny, but it's how I feel.

Jesus do I feel like shit. I've be told that I might have something more then just the common cold/flu by my parents. It's becoming almost unbearable to swallow or breathe because my throat feels dry and swollen. Also, forsome reason I've peed, like, 10 times today. That's not an overexageration kids. In the past 2 hours I've peed about... 3-4 times!! WTF!? I hope I don't have to see a doctor. I don't have the benjamins for that (he, he... benjamins)! I would be just peachy with waking up tomorrow and going to work healthy as a horse! Yet, seeing as how the reality of it is I'm going to continue my crap fest, I'll probably be AWOL tomorrow at work.

*Cue booming, overhead male voice*


7:40 p.m. - Friday, Oct. 14, 2005
Wells Fargo Sucks!
Suuuuuuck. It's only friday and Tom and I are already out of money. I don't even know how I'm going to pick him up from work! Why you ask? Because Wells Fargo sucks balls. The charged us more then $500 in fees. HOLY SHITTLES! you say? Amen brotha! We plan on closing that account faster than you can say "Insufficient Funds"! I hate Wells Fargo. I mean look at this!! That is in a week! I mean, obviously I shouldn't write checks that are going to get bounced, but I didn't know they where! The day I wrote it is the day I went into negatives once again! It's total bull crap. A lame vicious cycle that just never stops.

I think I need to sleep. My head is still full of cotton balls.

10:51 a.m. - Thursday, Oct. 13, 2005
Sick Wings!
Maaaaaaann. I feel like... ugh. I was hoping I wouldn't get sick, but with all of the people around me I'm not surprized. Thank GOD I have the day off tomorrow. I can just lounge around and do nothing all day. Sounds nice, but I have so many things to do! I have to get my hair cut, drop off/pick up Tom from work, clean our room, continue looking at schools in the area. That's not to much to do now that I look at it.

I'm so dissapointed that I wont be getting into Audit. They have an open position at work, and one of the Audit chicks asked me if I had ever thought about going into Audit. I said no, but after talking to people about it, it sounded really cool. The fact that you get paid more is my biggest reason to go in, but the work doesn't sound to bad eather! However they've been having Vanessa work in there a ton, and when I talk to Audit about it they dont make it sound to promissing.

I am excited about Holloween! I haven't quite figured out what I'm going to wear. All I know is I want wings, which I already have. They're hot! I have a picture of them some where, maybe I'll try to find it...Found it! Sorry the picture is a little dark, but you get the point.

4:15 p.m. - Monday, Oct. 10, 2005
Never Coming Home, Never Coming Home!
MMMMMkay, so I hav'nt written here in a while, but I'm sorry! I't been really busy!

I've finally sat down and made another layout! Arn't you in awe? Well... it's ok if your not. the only thing I can't seem to fix is the whole page scrolling (what is down there to scroll to?!) and the fact that my computer seems to distort the words a little funny...

I just don't get it. Does it look like that for anyone else?

Steve (Tom & I's adoption... person) just called asking if Tom & I would go to Portland for a little... class type of thing. He said he was looking for a couple that had gave a child up for adoption, and we where the first ones he called. I said we would do it, but I don't expect Tom to want to. He will any way, though. :)

I wrote Chris today too. I really need to get on the ball and send it to him. I don't know how that's going to turn out. Pam (his girlfriend/wife/whatever) is going to hate me untill the day after forever, and he wants to stay friends?! Not only that, but he treated me so terribly. Just, without warning, he totally ingnored me and let angry Pam have at me. I don't understand why I even what to try. But I do. I kinda miss him. I never got to say goodbye.


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